Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Comment on a colleague's work #2

I agree with the writer of “be the voice, NOT THE NOISE,” at http://igniteincite.blogspot.com money is spent so easily when it comes to the government. The economy is already in a trillion dollar national deficit, the stimulus package is not doing anything, but digging us in a deeper whole. The stimulus package is being a crutch for those that don’t work that hard. The little bit of money that they are borrowing, is not going to help to economy. People are still going to keep doing the same things as they have been doing as far as spending money. I totally agree that people are going to keep reaching out to the government to put money in there pockets. It is our tax dollars that is going towards Medicaid and helping those are not financially stable. But yet how many women put their selves in that position that get pregnant and can’t stand on there own, so we end up supporting them. The middle class is getting screwed we are paying for health insurance out of our own pockets and working hard for it. Yet, we are insuring others irresponsibility’s as well through our tax dollars. I can understand if someone can not work because of a disability, then by all means that helping hand is reasonable. If the so called lower class did not have that hand to lean, they would only be left with the choice to work for it. As far as Clinton and Obama, it is great that they want to help those in need. But sometimes simply not helping is a big step forward in the end for us as an economy and for that individual to stand on its own and take a step forward. Experience and hard work can only bring us forward as country. Sometimes that lending hand sets us farther back.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Substantial Commentary #2

One of the big concerns that goes on within the United States is the national debt, which is a result of the budget deficit. Borrowing money that you don't have, then you owe and the interest builds, which in turn can lead to bankruptcy. I truly believe that the US needs to get a handle on the countries budget. because it is only increasing on a daily basis. Especially since Bush has gone into office and borrrowed so much money for this war, or so called "Operation Iraqi Freedom." At least when Clinton was in office the national debt had decreased a fair amount. Hopefully this presidental election will bring forth a strong candidate that will use some tactics to decrease the nations debt.

The US national debt is up to $9.5 trillion. Some of the national debt is being borrowed from social security. Currently, there is more being payed into the Social Security Trust Fund than is being paid out to beneficiaries. What's left over is routinely being "borrowed" and used as if it were general budget revenue. Basically the money in the social security trust fund has been spent, which makes social security a very large borrowing tool. The rest of the national debt is from the issuance of Treasury Bills. Currently, the Chinese government has a huge portion of these Treasury Bills. This poses a threat to our financial security because we are competing with China in the global economy.

But there is an alternative solution that we could use in order to balance the country's budget. A mandatory permanent change in how government spends money . How about a national convention to propose a federal balanced budget constitutional amendment. That would put a sensible limit on government power. Since congress and the president don't know how to put a handle on things how about a constitution amendment that forces them to curtail wasteful spending and deter excessive borrowing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Comment on a colleague

I agreee with the points made across on http://igniteincite.blogspot.com titled "Don't Get Fooled" for the most part. I don't believe abortion is right. Although some things are based on a case by case basis. Like if a women were to get raped, it would be a reasonable option to get an abortion. Also if the mother carrying the child endangered her health, for example it could lead to death or serious health problems. It is bad enough that the abortion rate is so high in China, and it seems that the US is so lenient to where it has turned into clockwork . There are so many birth control methods that are highly effective. To where a female does not have to face that alternative such as the shot, birth control pills, condoms, and many more. Even the Plan B, which is known as the "morning after pill". It is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours of conception. There are so many other options to look at, like adoption. Not only is that person killing an innocent soul, but can cause herself serious health issues to her body. We live in a society that is so ideologically conservative. To where citizens are screaming to have the government place power on there personal beliefs. I understand that we have the freedom of choice, but we also have the freedom of common sense, so lets use it. Many people use abortion as a scapegoat ,so they do not have to take responsibility for their actions. As far a the gap between seniors and and newborns, I really don't see that big of a difference between the gap, the world is already overpopulated as it is.But abortion should not be considered as an alternative. But overall I do agree, very good points brought forward

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Original Editorial

The media has a way of manipulating its viewers to think about what they are trying to present. They present certain issues and Isolate them in way to where the story is perceived in a completely different manner. The war in Iraq is a good example. We have been there since 2002 and have made little progress. What is really about? Are the soldiers out there for a good reason? What is the true reasoning behind all this madness that our tax dollars are being contributed to. The war in Iraq has partly to do with numbers. Mission, what mission? The soldiers don't know what they are really being sent out there for. They just know that they need a certain percentage to deploy so there numbers are good. Remember its all about the numbers, not the mission. Yet, the soldiers are sent to the danger zone to sit there and not know what the mission is. It is just bunch of people walking around like chickens with there head cut off. The media does not show that even the commander that is in charge of that unit does not know the true reasoning in being out there, but yet that leader has 200 lives following him/her with the same confusion.

What is the point in sending someone in an area to endanger there lives and not know what the reasoning of being there. The government does not present that half the soldiers out there just sleep in tents all day or are playing on the Internet for the majority of the day to kill time. Maybe gas prices would not be so high, if we were not at war. Since we are going to keep increasing the countries deficit, how about it be for a good reason like building better refineries, so we can benefit from it. The government is so quick to help other countries out of its own range. But, it is not an issue to raise the countries deficit, in order to help others. How about the government try to reach in its own range, and just maybe the country might have a little organization. The government hesitated to make a move in order to help those in need of Katrina, but did not hesitate to send soldiers to Iraq. Yet, we still have issues unresolved with Katrina and the war in Iraq. All the country needs is to build more and more problems so they can remain unresolved. Does the media present the hidden issues or does it frame it in a manner that the government truly wants it presented.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Substantial Commentary #2

In the recent article Oil Prices Pass Record Set in ’80s, published on March 3rd,2008 in The New York Times it talks about how gas prices are rising to $4 dollars a gallon by the summer of 2008. What is going to happen by the summer of 2009? Are gas prices going to increase to $5 dollars gallon. I would not be surprised that if in five years from now gas prices rose to $10 a gallon. Oil prices have risen to an all time record since the sharp rise that started eight years ago. Since 2000, oil prices have more than quadrupled as strong growth in demand from the United States and Asia outstripped the ability of oil producers to increase their output. Supposedly there is evidence that these high prices are finally forcing consumers to cut down on consumption. However, I don't think this cut in consumption by consumers is sufficient to make a huge difference in gas prices.

Gas is a necessity, we as human beings are interdependent. We depend on our own transportation to get us from point A to point B. The percentage of people using public transportation has gone down. While the government creates "stimulus" packages to help our economy, they ignore something as simple as rising energy prices. Energy prices, such as the cost of gas, are so fundamental to our country's infrastructure that it's easy to say that oil is the lifeblood of our country. And with prices that high, its no wonder that our economy is sluggish. Our blood is more expensive than it used to be.

It is easy for the oil companies to raise gas prices.They point to the increase in demand from China and India, meanwhile, they are reporting record earnings and profits. The president and the house figure out plans such as the stimulus package to build the economy, but they can't think of any ideas to keep gas prices down and help the economy. They also refuse to sufficiently invest in developing alternative fuel sources.

What about refineries? Spikes in gas prices can also be traced to the fact that there are not enough refineries in this country.The existing refineries are working at full capacity and some are quite old. The government can solve some of these problems by taking a few steps. The money that we use on the Iraq war can be used to build better refineries. We can also use some of the money to develop other energy sources. The demand for oil is growing in other countries and the fact that we are in competition with China does not help There are so many alternative solutions that we can follow, but in reality, how far does our opinion take us.

To access the article click on the link below.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Substantial Commentary

On February 15, 2008 an editorial was published from the New York Times describing formaldehyde contamination in trailers supplied to hundreds of thousands of New Orleans residents made homeless by the storm. FEMA, the agency sent to help those in need, has failed to provide a correct response again. Yet the government's attention is misdirected, focused on things that are significantly less important. How do you leave an issue unfinished then jump to another? The Bush administration is so dedicated in sending out a stimulus package in order to build the countries economy. But we have we have citizens still facing issues from Hurricane Katrina having health issues in the comfort of their own home. It is ironic that the president has taken his sweet time to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina when it occurred, but he won't hesitate to send troops to Iraq. Isn't the purpose of our government to preserve our lives?

It is like the government is so fixated on helping countries out of its own reach. How are we going to help others if we can't even solve our own problems? It is a lot easier, cheaper, and smarter to help those that are within in your own ball park. When someone's health is in danger, time is a big factor and it's only logical that it become our government's top priority. The victims of hurricane Katrina are not going to set roadside bombs for the government to take action, and they shouldn't have to in order to get the government's attention.

The editorial titled FEMA's Formaldehyde Foul-Up stated that in 2006 a man had complained about formaldehyde fumes and died. The government talks about helping building the economy and those that are in serious need. What about the real priority and those that are serious need? The people who are most at risk, for reasons of age, illness or poverty; are the least able to defend themselves. Instead of our tax dollars being spent on highways and how pretty we can make a city, how about the money go toward new housing, because there are still about 35,000 homes that are still being affected.

If you would like to follow up on the article, the link is located below.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Introduction to the Economy

A few days ago, the House passed a Stimulus package. The package was aimed towards the middle class and the poor. The package offered rebates of $600 an individual, and $1,200 for couples, and $300 a child. The citizens that would be eligible would have to be making less then $75,000 per year and couples that made less then $1,200 a year. Now this is $161 billion dollars that is being borrowed and increasing the countries deficit.

On January 31, 2008, The Houston chronicle posted an article called Senate Democrats pushing for more rebates, basically planning to add perks for veterans and Seniors to the stimulus bill. The democrats feel as if Seniors and veterans have been singled out and want to increase rebates for them as well which would pump the economy up to $193 billion in a two-year time frame.

I think that it is wonderful that we are focusing on bringing the economy up. But it is going increase the national debt that has been raised four times in the past five years. We have too many people in office trying to help those in need. But why send the country into a bigger deficit? Why not knock out two birds with one stone and hit the ones singled out a few years from now.

This article is very important, regardless how much money you make, if the countires deficit keeps increasing, what do you think will happen to you, or the life style that you live in? Maybe if the country did not try to purpose so many things at a time. The national debt might not be as high as it is now. It is good to bring to economy up, but also watch the consequence that may come from borrowing all that money. Take it one day a time and focus on a certain group. If we try to do too much at once we are going to put ourselves in a bigger whole then what were already in.

This article was posted on January 31, 2008, 10:49 pm, from the Houston Chronicle. You find it under the Mainstream Newspapers links or you can hit the following link that will take you directly to it.
